A Fish Learns to Drive…

Cats are going to need to lift their game, the fish are getting smarter. With the help of some of the best and brightest minds at Carnegie Mellon University fish have been set free; given their own wheels along with the ability to steer them. Will we soon be sharing our highways with high speed aquatic life?

The splash-mobile was built by a team of young students using a Raspberry Pi, camera and a fist full of custom code. The camera picks up the position of the fish within the tank while the Raspberry Pi converts that position into driving inputs. When the fish swims forward of the centre of the tank the aquarium car moves forward. He can even back it up and steer left or right.

Presented for your viewing pleasure is the fish tank letting our aquatic friends take day trips to the country, although we’re not really sure how the fish plugs it in to charge the battery. Sit back relax and prepare to be amazed by the Lewis Hamilton of the fish world.

Reference: Alex Kent
Source: The Register

StudioDiip also had a similar project.


Author: Athol Courtenay

Writer, programmer, photographer and ponderer of sorts. Keeping IT interesting with a dry cool wit, this is tech but not as you know it. Technology, Science, Space, Humor, Computers, Consumer Electronics and more.