Take me down to the ball game, a cry called out by millions of baseball fans each week, a fan base joined this week by sports loving aliens. Twitter was sent a tweeting as the mass sighting unfolded, with many fans capturing and sending the footage to the world in near real time.
Net Bailey Stadium was the venue for this week’s big game that saw the Vancouver Canadians taking on the Everett AquaSox, both on the diamond to do battle with bat and ball. The 4000 strong crowd had prepared with all of the essentials, beer and hotdogs, settling in for the game.
The entertainment tonight wouldn’t be confined to the field. As the innings began to pass a strange light appeared above the horizon in the distance, moving slowly as it blinked. Spectators and cameramen all turned their cameras to the strange light in the distance over the outfield.
The mysterious object hung in the darkening night sky long enough that many camera carrying sports fans had trained there lenses on the unusual object. Unfortunately those without zoom saw only a dazzling light in the distance. Under magnification the object appeared to be a traditional disk shaped UFO with flashing lights around the edge and underside.
Not only was this a mass sighting of dazzling proportions but this was also one of the most filmed sightings in recent years. A quick scan of YouTube quickly turns up dozens of short clips taken that night, all with dozens of different types of cameras from many angles.
The number of witnesses and amount of video does suggest that some special guests had turned up for the game that night. Weather those guest came in the form of an LED illuminated quad copter or alien craft is unknown.
The Net Bailey UFO incident definitely warrants further investigation and is likely to generate headlines as the digging begins. Here at Paranoid Android we expect this story to continue to unfold for a while yet. With so many questions remaining we wonder how long it will be till the Discovery Channel covers (smothers) this one?