Auroral Alien, the Alien Face of the Future staring back…

Spooky and attention grabbing, displayed for all to see floating in the Aurora is an Alien face, is this the face will being seeing more of in our future? Is that really the face of an Alien floating in the sky and is it a warning sign?

A subject on many people’s minds, especially with the many rumours of an alien disclosure event nearing.  A point in time when many governments of the world release all of the information they have, and admit the existence of aliens.

Photographer Iurie Belegurschi captured the spectacle while on one of his many photographic expeditions to capture the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis on film, chasing his passion.  It could even have crossed over into the genre of obsession, moving to Ice Land specifically to pursue his passion could be classed as slightly obsessive, a healthy obsession of course.

Not noticing the image during the shoot Iurie was shocked to find the alien face staring back at him while reviewing the images. Captured using his trusty Canon 5D Mark III the image clearly shows something most unusual in the lights that night, a clear September night.

According to the Daily Mail Illurie described his discovery by saying ‘I didn’t see the alien face during shooting, but when I came home I checked my photographs on the computer and I saw it! It’s unbelievable, I couldn’t believe my eyes.’

There is a theory suggesting that upcoming events enter the collective human consciousness or psyche before they occur, a precognitive effect that seems to prepare us for these events. According to this theory subtle signs such as seeing specific concepts in seeming random data is part of this precognitive effect, the random data or universal background noise being the palette of this collective consciousness. That’s the theory in any case; it could after all simply be a random pattern in the Northern Lights, if you believe in random.

The Aurora Borealis are an incredible phenomenon on their own, neon streams washing over the sky, but using them as a billboard to display images, now that’s just plain incredible on top of spectacular.

Reference: Daily Mail
ADG (Alien Disclosure Group) UK YouTube channel

Author: Buddhas Brother