Sometimes a trip to the movies involves far more than a cinematic journey, especially when accidental racism is involved. Comedian and outraged cinema goer Guzzy Bear recently experienced this very phenomenon while venturing to the movies for the latest block buster Jurassic World. Reacting very strongly to the apparent racism in the film Guzzy takes a stand! His video proclamation to the world ‘Boycott Jurassic World’. Guzzy’s message unfortunately has been clouded by the fact that the video is so funny that no one knows if he’s serious or not, not even the cameraman filming his fired up friend.
Presented for your viewing pleasure is the video that has the internet simultaneously scratching its head and laughing. A case of comic relief or relief of a comic, I’m still not sure? Sit back relax and just try not to laugh.
Reference: Guzzy Bear Oh Yeh!