Category: Unexplained Footage
In a world filled with cameras recording strange sights are bound to be captured.
President Obama and the Alien Videos…
Buddhas Brother March 29, 2013
The Martian Golden Lizard, Rock Formation or Living Creature?
Buddhas Brother February 24, 2013
Unexplained Footage: The Time Traveler in 1928…
Buddhas Brother November 13, 2012
HAARP: Earthquakes and other signs of activity…
Buddhas Brother October 28, 2012
The Real Invisibility Cloak, The Invisible Soldier in Iraq…
Buddhas Brother September 3, 2012
Posted in Unexplained Footage
The Zombie Apocalypse Has Arrived or How To Hire A Zombie Intern …
Buddhas Brother June 16, 2012