While Crysis 3 is still working its way through the various levels of testing (Alpha, Beta, etc) Crytek are keeping our appetites wet with little snippets, this time round 2 stunning preview video.
While February 2013 might still seem like a long way off the spectacular graphics on show in the latest videos should satisfy even the most impatient player.
Included for your viewing pleasure are the two latest preview videos from Crytek. The previews demonstrate the incredible technology Crytex is about to release onto the world with its CryEngine 3. Examples of the upcoming gameplay for both single and multiplayer gaming are included in the previews along with the word on a new bonus offer for those willing to order early.
Single player gameplay puts the button pushers in the middle of the fast action intense battlefield. Tough missions along with an abundance of weapons awaits the single players. Crysis have created a story driven world for Crysis 3, an action driven story that will keep you on your toes. If the preview video doesn’t get your blood boiling check your pulse.
Crytek have also revealed information on the multi-player modes through their Hunter and Multi-Player preview videos. Included in the video is a demonstration of the new Hunter and Crash Site modes which support up to 16 players on the PC and 12 players on consoles. A new data display will make an appearance in Crysis 3, called the New York feed it dynamically generates map of your achievements. Watch the videos for all of the details.
Also announced recently is the special pre-order offer from Crytek; pre-order early and get a free digital download version of the original Crysis, still one of the best shooters ever released. Pre-order the Hunter pack early and you also receive a number of in game bonuses including the Hunter Nanosuit.
Driving all of the graphics goodness in Crysis 3 is the CryEngine 3, which looks to be in very good shape. Incredibly detailed scenes, spectacular lighting and brain shaking explosions all add up to Crysis 3 being hard to beat in 2013.
Source: Crysis 3 YouTube Channel
Source: Crysis 3 Official Website
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