OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE WARNING. Just as with every country around the world Australia has a character all of its own. Spend time on Aussie roads and you will eventually experience the larrikin charm we are so famous for, along with a little road rage Aussie style. The creative phrasing and visual cues are generally just a territorial warning, it’s the headlight flashing and veering wildly that you have to look out for.
Presented for your viewing pleasure are dash cam snippets Aussie style. funny moments from behind the wheel in Australia. Sit back relax and prepare to answer one short beep of the horn with two loud toots and the presentation of your middle finger.
P.S. Any tourists intending on driving on Australian roads are well advised to watch this video, at least that way you will understand what they’re yelling, just not necessarily why. But don’t worry often no one knows why.
Reference: Dash Cam Owners Australia