In my years on this planet I have come to learn that not everyone has a favorite metal, I do it’s Titanium and it is the best. Famous for being strong, lightweight and impervious to rust, like its Titan namesake, there is also another side to Titanium. When polished by an artisan jeweller this amazing alloy has an almost holographic blue sheen but it is notoriously difficult to work with and expensive so this side is not often seen. Of course claiming something is the best without any supporting evidence is a life of fantasy so its time for a firepower stress test thanks to those gun crazy YouTubers over at Demolition Ranch.
Presented for your viewing pleasure is the face off between a one and a quarter inch thick block of industrial Titanium and the best weapons the Ranch could muster, and they save the best for last. Sit back relax and prepare to see the sparks fly.
Reference: DemolitionRanch