To be clear from the outset the windscreen is real but the virtual world projected onto it is not. Jaguar’s new virtual windscreen combines projection, sensing and data processing technology to take the heads up display to video game levels. Projecting across the entire windscreen all of the information you need for precision driving, and more.
The virtual windscreen has your next track day covered too with the ability to display your lap stats, times and position in the race. Everything that any decent driving game would have on display is there too; racing line, breaking guidance, ghost car competitor and virtual cones for parking lot tracks or as Jaguar describes it ‘driver training’.
Jaguar already uses infra red cameras and a simple HUD technology to warn of night time obstacles. The full HUD could extend this to also show the edges of the road, obstacles and even ice patches with the right sensors installed. In fact the display is only limited by the sensors connected to it.
Presented for your viewing pleasure is evidence that the future is far closer than anyone could have expected. Sit back, relax and put the pedal to the metal.