President Obama and the Alien Videos…

Recently a number of highly unusual videos have appeared on YouTube, video’s that many suggest President Obama is surrounded by aliens.

The most recent footaparanoid androidge was captured during the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), March 2012. This meeting of many of the greatest minds from both nations has also spawned some very unusual footage.

Captured within the footage of the conference are two very strange individuals. Presented for your viewing pleasure are our 3 favourite Obama Alien videos. Two videos capture two rather strange individuals working for the President while the last video captures Obama himself seeming to disappear. As always watch the videos and you decide, something highly unusual or overly vivid imaginations.

The Presidents secret service agents are present to ensure the safety of Obama. One of the security guards looks rather nervous, constantly twisting from side to side, scanning the crowd. Following the security guard he later appears to take on a very inhuman appearance, some describe him as reptilian looking, but inhuman is probably more accurate.

Also present in the AIPAC footage is a grey looking short gentleman that has taken on a ghostly appearance.  As with all videos of this type he is automatically labelled as being an alien, while he more closely resembles the walking dead.

The third video includes some incredibly unusual footage of Obama appearing to partially disappear. Many may find the pixelization answer enough for their minds but here at Highpants this video seems far stranger than digital compression or pixelization.

Author: Buddhas Brother